A Clean Slate
First and foremost I have to say thank you to everyone who commented on my first page. I had two very busy days and didn't get back in here in time to keep up with the comments, but each and every one was appreciated. I did read everyone's first page and commented - except a few of the links that didn't work. And there were a handful that I tried to comment on, but the comments didn't go through? So, if you didn't get a comment from me, you really did, the blog ate it, I swear ;)
Also welcome to my new friends. I've said it before, but feel it's worth mentioning again, if you are following my blog and I haven't followed you, it's because your little picture doesn't link me back to you. Leave a comment with a link trail and I will happily return the favor :)
I love a clean slate. Especially when it refers to a newly tilled vegetable garden. My FIL tilled a few weeks ago and I got my lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, pole beans and carrot seeds planted. We had a good rain (why it looks flat and not freshly tilled) just after and I'm hoping to see little baby veggies peeking through any day. I still have lots of other seeds to get in in the coming weeks (have a 45x25 area to fill!). And I should be getting asparagus any time now, too. Yum. Yum.
I love flowers. I plant at least fifty new bulbs every year. One day my entire front yard will be tulips and daffodils in the spring. Of course, every year fewer tulips from previous years bloom. But that's okay, my favorites are out in full swing right now. Isn't this the prettiest color:
I even found daffodils with the same interior-ring color:

Also welcome to my new friends. I've said it before, but feel it's worth mentioning again, if you are following my blog and I haven't followed you, it's because your little picture doesn't link me back to you. Leave a comment with a link trail and I will happily return the favor :)
I love a clean slate. Especially when it refers to a newly tilled vegetable garden. My FIL tilled a few weeks ago and I got my lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, pole beans and carrot seeds planted. We had a good rain (why it looks flat and not freshly tilled) just after and I'm hoping to see little baby veggies peeking through any day. I still have lots of other seeds to get in in the coming weeks (have a 45x25 area to fill!). And I should be getting asparagus any time now, too. Yum. Yum.
I love flowers. I plant at least fifty new bulbs every year. One day my entire front yard will be tulips and daffodils in the spring. Of course, every year fewer tulips from previous years bloom. But that's okay, my favorites are out in full swing right now. Isn't this the prettiest color:
I even found daffodils with the same interior-ring color:

These grape hyacinths are going to take over the entire world one day! I planted about 20 bulbs, 3 years ago, and they are now growing in thick clumps along the entire front of the flower bed. That's okay - they're gorgeous.
As evidenced above, I am a horrible photographer. I didn't come close to doing these beauties justice. Nothing makes my green eyes greener than those with photographic talent! But, I figure the flowers are pretty enough that everyone will get the gist of it :)
Have a Happy Monday and great rest of the week. Oh, and don't ask why my text is all funky? User error, I'm sure.
Beautiful flowers! Love the hyacinths!
We haven't put in our veggies yet. We need to expand the garden and that requires more pavers and it's still a little early for the pavers to be out at our hardward store.
Le sigh.
I got my dirt on Saturday and have been shoveling non-stop. Well, I took a break today.
Hopefully by this weekend I'll have my stuff in the ground.
When I lived in South FL, I tried for a garden every year, but it never lived more than a month. maybe had something to do with me forgetting to water the plants every day in the 120 degree sandy soil. Who knows.
NC is the perfect gardening state, everything grows here!
Tara, that is a nice big size garden!
It's a little early here, at least according to lore/weather map/zone...but the weather we are actually getting, we should have gone for it sooner. We haven't turned the soil yet, though. Next weekend's project.
Why we bother when the bunnies and deer eat most of it anyway. But, as long as I get tomatoes I'm happy.
Love the pictures!
Happy Monday!
I prefer eating the vegetables to planting them!
Beautiful pictures!!
I'm now following you! Yay!!
Thanks for the nice comments - and Kathy, thanks twice