
In my bloggy absence of late I feel like I've lost touch with a lot of you. I have been doing a quick read of my regular blogs, and commenting sporadically, but still behind.

My blog friends are not the only ones with whom I've lost touch; I can't seem to find MC anywhere either. I can open the WiP and write, or edit, but it feels flat. I did the monthly exercise in the Compuserve forum, and it felt flat. I was pleased that those wo read it in there (who know my MC almost as well as their own at this point) didn't feel that way. They thought I had her voice for the most part.

I wonder, is it even worse that I don't feel her (even reading though it I saw nothing sparkly) and others still do? If my writing becomes forced, not good.

I want something:

"...more subtle than something someone contrives..."

That's the song that started MC on her journey. There are two others that helped me along in her story, and told the male MC's pov. I hadn't listened to any of my Incubus CD's in a while (nobody fall over with shock, please - contrary to my youtube posts here, I do listen to other music). I thought listening might bring some spark; it didn't. I thought leaving the book alone for a while then reading some of my favorite scenes would help; nope again. I thought doing the exercise in Compuserve would be the real kicker. You guessed it, nada.

I'm kinda in a quandry now. So I'll leave it alone for another little while, let some others read through. Maybe their comments will reignite the fire...


Jessica Bell said…
I've experienced this on many occasions. And I think most of the time it's been becasue I've just been over worked and didn't have any spark in my 'step'. Sometimes you need a break. Work on something else, perhaps, and come back to it with a fresh mind, when you've almost forgotten what your character's like, so you can 'discover' her again. :)
Summer Frey said…
Yeah, Lily, my MC, often gets moody and runs away for a while. I usually either give her the cold shoulder and read (what I did this time), or I'll lure her out with jealousy by starting on another story idea that's been floating around in my head.
You just need something that will kickstart the passion for YOU.
Tara said…
Alex - I've sorta been working on something like that. We'll see how it pans out...

Summer - One of the things Jake loves about Kasia is that she doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. She's very stubborn, too.

Allit - Yeah, I'm pretty much in that stage now. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
The final book in my YA series felt forced - the main character was not my favorite. Ironically, it's become the best reviewed book of my series. Go figure!
Anonymous said…
This has happened to me before. Sometimes a character will visit me, we'll get acquainted, I'll start writing, then she'll disappear. It's frustrating for obvious reasons but disappointing, too, because I've wasted my time on something that didn't want to be written in the first place (apparently).

I hope she comes back to you soon so that you can feel productive again. :o)
Talli Roland said…
Sometimes it's super hard to get a character to move, or to reconnect with them. In that case I usually introduce another obstacle or conflict. I find that helps get me back into it again - even if I may delete it later down the line.
Slamdunk said…
Welcome back. I found that consistent blogging quickly becomes lots of work.
Lola Sharp said…
Don't worry, your mojo will come back.
In the meantime, work on another project. But I have a very good feeling about Kasia. I like her lots. :o)

Happy Monday!

Jai Joshi said…
Sometimes you get to a point where you're just tired of that story and that character. It's not that you don't love the book or don't think you wrote a good book, you want to move on to something else. I know the feeling.

This is the point where you have to grit your teeth and make yourself work. You say that you're worried your writing will seem forced but it won't, it's just that you're anxious to move on. But if you don't finish this then you're doing short thrift to all that work you put in earlier. It's not fair to yourself.

Grit your teeth and get it done. Give yourself a reward for reaching a goal post if that helps.

Tara said…
Diane - That's awesome! Actually, I adore Kasia. I want her back.

E - I've been with MC for a long time, now...maybe we just need a break.

Talli - Know what? She hasn't had a good conflict in a while. Maybe she needs to kick some Russian trafficker a$$ to get mine in gear.

SD - Yeah, I've been thinking the blogging might be bogging me down. I'm thinking of cutting down to 2 posts a week and reading/commenting only the other 3.

Lola - Glad someone else likes :)

Jai - Maybe you're what I needed - a butt-in-gear kicker :D You're right, I need to opent that book and just do it!
DL Hammons said…
I've not experienced this yet *knocking on wood* so I'm afraid I got nothing for you except supportive thoughts. Sorry.
I feel your pain. My MCs aren't talking right now. Or, when they do, I'm too busy to listen.

Good luck! I hope your MC finds you again... soon!
Hannah said…
when this happens to me, I usually write a character bio. Writing things that will almost never be included in the story. I put on my characters favorite music and let them dance, laugh or cry in my head. Then they usually stick around for a while.
Jemi Fraser said…
Let it sit, let it simmer. It's all there in your head - just needs some time to sort itself all out. Good luck!
Tara said…
DL - Support is always good. Thanks.

Kimberly - Maybe they need a good shake. I hope your MC comes back out to play soon!

Hannah - I really thought the exercise I did would bring her back. But, I have 2 new ideas to play with...

Jemi - Thanks :)
Rena Jones said…
Good luck with you MC. I wouldn't worry about keeping up with the blogs that much. It's next to impossible sometimes.
Hello! I found you through KarenG's blog and wandered over here. Love your blog :)

I felt like I lost tough with my mc through some major revisions, and it turned out that I was just focusing too much on the plot and not enough on her. So I've been thinking a lot about what makes her tick, and I think I understand her emotional arc a little better now. We'll see how it goes when I go back to fix everything.

That's a great song. I hope listening to it helps you feel your mc better--it will come back, it might just take a while, maybe stepping away (like it sounds like you're doing) and reading or writing other things. Good luck! :)
Private said…
I agree with Alexandra S - maybe you're focusing too much on the plot and not on her? Maybe you should try something new - I wrote a post on this some time ago (i don't mean to advertise, but i think it's a good idea):

Ann Best said…
Sometimes some piece of writing you're struggling with just doesn't work. But you've invested so much time and energy you don't want to let go--kind of like giving up memories, good or bad; saying goodbye to someone you've loved/been interested in who's gone, etc etc. Not easy to do. But I hope for you with this that something/someone will "reignite the fire." Happy thoughts!!
Arlee Bird said…
I think I've been kind of that way with my last year's NaNo novel. I think I'll just have to force myself back into it and get the rhythm flowing again and the spirit revived.
I'm looking for bloggers who appreciate music to participate in a Blog Project on May 17. You can read about it at the end of my post for today.
May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
How about you? Something to rev up the creative brain cells?
Elana Johnson said…
This happens to all of us. Drifting is what I call it. But never fear, eventually you'll wash up on shore. And then you'll kill this thing.

Good luck!
Unknown said…
Oh I have these moments, it happens to us all!!! Not to worry your MC will return and we will all be here waiting to hear the exciting news!
Shelley Sly said…
This is so normal (as you can tell from the other posts) and I think time is the best remedy. Don't worry about it -- when you eventually connect with your MC again, it will be sweet! Best of luck to you.
Elizabeth Poole said…
Sorry! This has happened to be before, and it sucks! Keep fighting the good fight!
dolorah said…
I put my favorite MC - like a sister to me - away for nearly a year. I've only recently been enthused about spending time with her. And finally anxious to apply the finishing touches and start querying again.

I'm glad you posted on this, and even more encouraged at the number of people who reassure you - and me - that this is normal for a writer.

I really feel better about it now.


Unknown said…
I know what you mean! It drives me crazy too. Good Luck!

Thanks for posting Incubus! (They are my all time favorites!)