A Few of my Favorite Things...

Arlee Bird over at Tossing it Out has his own sort of blogfest going on today. The Favorite Album Blgofest.
I've often written about my passion for music, lyrics especially, so I decided to join.

My list is by no means what I consider the best albums of all time, just some of my favorites - for various reasons. Nor is the list in any particular order. I only thought of eleven (instead of fifteen), though I could go on forever.

1.) Madonna - Madonna. Yeah I went there. This was the borderline of my pre and early teens. I used to wear the clothes, the gloves, had the exact same horrible hair (only mine was natural, both in color and curl ;) ). And every time I skated onto the ice at my fave hangout, the DJ kicked up Lucky Star for me.

2.) The Grease Soundtrack - Mostly makes the list because, I swear I wore this record out. (Yep, I said record.) And, I still have the CD in my car changer on most days. I know, I'm hopelessly devoted.

3.) Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Because, no all-time music list in history would be complete without this one. Anyone who thinks otherwise  clearly has brain damage.

4.) The Beatles Anthology  - Yep. All three. Cause Hey Dude!, how could I pick one actual album originally recorded by the Fab Four? Don't go startin' a revolution about it.

5.) John Lennon, Double Fantasy - This was a cassette form, but I wore it out, too. Another that graces my CD changer often. I can see I'm losing you, no worries, I'm moving on.

6.) Led Zepplin, How the West was Won - This one may be a little too personal to share. Let's just say it involves, candlelight and romance. Try it; it's like climbing a stairway to heaven.

7.) Incubus, Make Yourself - It's a privilege to listen to this stellar album. Pardon me, but there could be consequences if you don't agree. If you haven't crawled out from under your rock and listened: make yourself.

8.) Incubus, Morning View - Is there an echo in here? Ahhhh, step under my umbrella, it's nice to know you. Warning: I'm about to gush. Brandon, the lyrical genius of my heart. Mike, guitar master extraodinaire. Let's not forget Kill, who brings it together with a saweet touch. Have you ever loved something too much to even explain its appeal?  Okay, my love of all things Incubus is not just a phase, but I feel like I'm going in circles here. Are you in?

9.) The Essential Heart - Now that I've finished gushing about my magic man, Brandon, (god, if looks could kill - I tell ya), I feel I can move straight on to the next fave. These sisters kick ass, and make it look like it's nothin' at all. From the unchained melody Nancy rips on her guitar, to the chills I get every single time I hear Anne's voice kick it out - oy, they rock my world. Never out of my CD changer. Evah.

10.) Jewel, Pieces of You - This girl doesn't play foolish games. Not only can she write beautiful poetry, but she can sing it. Who's your daddy?

11.) Billy Joel, greatest Hits - Whew. No pressure or anything. This isn't just one of my faves - it's up there on all-time albums, period. The piano man is not only the entertainer of a lifetime, but a total big shot.

12.) Green Day, Dookie - From Billy Joel to burnout, Billy Joe. What can I say? I'm coming clean. this album is serious fun - and they put on a sweet live show!

13.) The Cure, Galore- It's a ride down Fascination Street as Robert Smith sings his wife a lovesong like no other. This album is just like heaven. Hot hot hot, even.

14.) The Eagles - I'd be a witchy woman if I said I could really only pick one album from these guys. I can't tell you why, but this is one of my all-time favorite bands.

15.) NIN, Pretty hate Machine - Ah. We come to my blog's namesake. The only time I'd ever heard anything like Nine Inch Nails was, well, never. Trent Reznor broke so many barriers with this album (and his follow-ups) it should be a sin, really. It would be a terrible lie to say I'm not sanctified when I listen to this album. After all, Trent said it best: there's nothing quite like the feel of something new.

WOW! I not only hit 15, but I have about 4 others that could have made the list - and that's just off the top of my head! But, I'll pass; it's seriously late and I have to get up to take the kiddos to school in the morning.

Thank you, Arlee. This was awesome-fun!

R-rated song coming up. You've been warned.


Jessica Bell said…
Cool list! The only one I'm not familiar with is Incubus! :)
I definitely know Incubus.
And I couldn't put mine in order, either.
Slamdunk said…
The Mrs. was all about Grease.
JE said…
I'm a soundtrack junkie. Grease, Footloose, Dirty Dancing...you name it - I've got it.

I don't listen to it while writing though. I need quite then. But I'll jam to it when no one is watching (or listening to my horrific singing!)

Aubrie said…
I love Jewel! That's my favorite thing of your favorite things :)
Susan Fields said…
I loved your list! I remember when Madonna's first album came out, I was a preteen then, too. Not brave enough to try the clothes and hair, though.

Okay, don't kill me, I've never listened to Incubus. I'll be checking them out, though - it's time I found some new music.
Tara said…
Susan - How can you come to my blog so often and not have listened to Incubus, lol.

Aubrie - I heart Jewel, too.

Justine - Had I thought of the DD soundtrack, it would probably have made the list 16 long!

SD - Woot. Go Mrs.

Alex - I am headed to check your list first thing :)

Jessica - Again - have you been to my blog before - wait I know you have. A lot. LOL.
Christine Danek said…
Great list. The beatles are the best. I also love the Cure and NIN.
Great list!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
All right! I picked Dark Side of the Moon as well.
Gregg Metcalf said…
Great list, I actually had heard of most of the artists, though I probably haven't heard any of their songs. You are right about the Eagles, how do you pick?
Stina said…
I love Grease, too. I moved to the States from England shortly after seeing the movie when it first came out. LOL I thought that was what teenagers looked liked.
Anonymous said…
Great list. I was thinking about Grease and I can't believe I forgot to mention the Eagles on mine. It is tough to keep to only 15! Nine Inch Nails is my daughter's boyfriend's favorite band. Thanks for sharing the video.
Arlee Bird said…
Good list! I was really considering something from Madonna as I really do like her albums. Not a real Green Day or NIN fan, but I have enjoyed some of their songs. You definitely have some good artists on your list.

Tossing It Out
Will Burke said…
You had me at NIN! T Reznor produced the "Lost Highway" soundtrack (on my list). Run, don't walk!
I saw Green Day a few years ago, and they had more fire works than my home town! Great show!
B. Miller said…
Great list! I know and love many of the albums you listed. Especially NIN and Incubus!! :D

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment! Hope to see you around there again sometime. You've got a new follower in me - looking forward to reading more of your posts!
DL Hammons said…
GREAT list! I believe I have 10 of those 15. :)
Lindsay said…
Great LisT. I have most of those albums too.:)
Lola Sharp said…
I think you know what I think as per music.

Though Madonna would have never been on any list of mine, even when I was in middle school.But I like your reason why. I remember, and will admit to, going to see Desperately Seeking Susan in the theaters though.

I don't know how I could narrow a list down to my top 15 albums. I break out in cold sweats narrowing it down to 100....husband and I have tried.

BTW, how's your garden doing?

Have a wonderful week!
Unknown said…
GREAT list!! You have some I nearly included as well!

Jemi Fraser said…
I love most of the items on your list - there are a few I don't know though. I love Billy Joel, the Eagles, the Grease album and many others! :)
Wow. Great list. Think I'm going to go listen to Oil and Water right now. :)
Tara said…
Oil and Water is one of current faves, Sarahjayne :)

Thanks for the comments everyone. I really had fun doing this.
VR Barkowski said…
Excellent choices. I so wanted NIN on my list. Think I'd have gone with Downward Spiral. I'll admit I like Greenday. Their music is fun and they got their start in my old 'hood. Which reminds me, I left Creedence off my list. Sigh. Fifteen wasn't enough.
Lisa said…
Ah, The Cure! It's funny how everyone's list is making me remember what I SHOULD have put on mine.

Great list, great music!
roh morgon said…
Awesome! Another NIN fan!

Floyd, Zep, Incubus - all good.

But NIN - yeah. My fav is The Fragile, followed closely by Still. Be sure to check out Trent's new band with his wife, How to Destroy Angels. Their single, A Drowning is quite haunting and fits beautifully with my WIP.