Tag - I'm It

I have been tagged by both the lovely Alyson from May Day Writer and the fabulous Anne over at Piedmont Writer. I'm thrilled ot have met them both through this online writer's blogolovosphere :) Now, I'm a total slacker, so it's been a while and they've probably forgotten. Well, here it is in any case...

Where were you five years ago?

1.) We'd just moved to NC and I was enamored by it. Still am.
2.) Loving being able to spend the days at the zoo, park, museum, with my 6 wonderful friends - all with twins, and one set of triplets+1. Yeah, we got asked a lot if we were a pre-school.
3.) We'd pretty much gotten rid of all household things when leaving FL, so even a year in, I was still trying to decorate!
4.) At any given time, hiking in the beautiful montains of NC.
5.) Pulling my hair out with two 3 year olds ;)

Where do you want to be 5 years from now?

1.) Right here, baby.
2.) Published
3.) Probably wishing I were back to pulling my hair out over two 3 year olds, as opposed to, you know, two almost teenagers!
4.) In my garden, planting the summer veggies.
5.) Driving around in my Viper

      What is on today's To-Do list

1.) Check my fave blogs
2.) Critique for my group
3.) Wii Fit
4.) Help out in Baby B's class with a project
5.) Get chapters 10-12 ready to uploaded to my crit group for skewering ;)
 (Cleaning really should be on that list, but my kids are trying to save up moolah for Disney spending this summer. I'll let them do that dirty work over the weekend...muwahahahaha!)

What are your favorite snacks? (Hm. not a huge snack person. My in between meal stuff, I guess...)

1.) yogurt with granola
2.) grapes
3.) dried fruit of any kind!
4.) pretzels
5.) cheese

(Okay, that all looks so damn healthy written out - why do I need to lose weight?! Oh right, the curse of the Hoishik hips, grr.)

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

1.) Something I haven't yet shared here: my daughter has Cystic Fibrosis, so an awful lot would go to finding a cure.
2.) Donate lots more to the Make Yourself Foundation. An incredible charity that donates around communties to all sorts of needs.
3.) Buy my Viper
4.) Live here:
and here

(photos removed)

  5.) Hire someone to do all my technical computer stuff (like figure out how to make the words where I want them) so I didn't want to toss the damn thing out the window every day. (Why can't I make this stupid blog do what I want it to do!?)

I would like to hear from the boys around the blog world. Er, men. Sorry. As hubby would say (to the boy reference): Feel again. (I know guys are less apt to participate in these things, and if you don't want to, I will be in no way offended. I get it.)

DL at Cruising Altitude
J.P. at Where Sky Meets Ground (JP is super busy, so we may not here from him for a bit.)
Eric Trant at Digging with Worms
Andrew Rosenberg at The Write Runner
Slam Dunks
Roland Yeomans at Writing in the Crosshairs
Editing to add Alex J. Cavanaugh I don't know how I missed Alex (thought you got away, didn't ya? Though, I think you've been tagged for this already...)- he's awesome! Check him out :)

And, if I have forgotten any of my fellow manly bloggers, please jump aboard - I'd love to learn more about you :)

So, now I've pretty much eaten up all my blog time doing this post (which is why I usually do it the night before, ugh. I'm way to lazy to proof and edit all this so ignore my typos. I am off to work out, shower and head to school...


Eric W. Trant said…
Hey Tara, thanks for the tag!

You're right. Guys, self-included and especially, are less apt to participate in stuff like this.

I will, however, participate, because this is now the second time I've been tagged. I recognize a couple of other dudes on there who've been tagged a few times as well...

This is a hen fest for sure, these writing blogs. I figure the ratio is about 7:1 against the men.

Makes me wonder if writing women's books wouldn't be more profitable...

Prayers on the CF.

- Eric
I hope you get your Viper! That same color?
Tara said…
Damn Alex!! I knew I was missing one of my favorite guys!
Tara said…
Oh, and yes, that color. With a sweet Hennessey package to boot!
Tara said…
Eric - I'm glad you gave in. I'll enjoy learning more about you :)
Anne Gallagher said…
Great list! How do you do it with twins? I can't even keep up with Monster Baby! And I want to live with you in the ocean house.
Slamdunk said…
Fun post. We love NC as well and are ready for our annual OBX trip in a few weeks.

I think I could go for the Viper as well.
Talli Roland said…
Ok, your snacks are way too nutritious! Where's the chocolate, baby?
Bridge Marie said…
It would be lovely to have someone around to make my blog look snazzier. I'm hoping my simplicity comes of as a style choice rather than my only option, haha.

And more prayers from here against CF.
Portia said…
Oh, I'm a Wii fit fan too. If you get that Viper, can I have a ride? ;-)
Your list of snacks is missing chocolate! *gasp*

I'm sorry about your daughter. I'll remember her in my prayers tonight.

Have a great weekend! :-)
Hannah said…
I love dried fruit!! Thanks for sharing info about yourself!

Have a great weekend!!
Thanks for the tag and the comment on my blog, Tara. I am techno-challenged and haven't as yet figured out to link people's names on my blog.

I'll tag back on my Sunday, my next day off. My other posts are polishes of things I have in reserve for when I am work-blitz -- like this week.

Have a great weekend, Roland
DL Hammons said…
I went to High School in North Carolina and have been back to the state a couple times since. It's one of my favorites!!

Thanks for the tag! This should be really interesting. Hmmmmmmm.
Tara said…
I know, I know. Clearly there's something wrong with me - I don't care that much for chocolate. *ducks and rolls*

Anne - Girlfriend, we'd have a blast hanging on the beach checkin' out the surfer boys ;)

Portia - I'll even let you drive it, yanno, cause your name is my other favorite car...

Thanks for the well-wishes for my daughter. I'm beyond thrilled to say that she is still symptom free 8 year in :)

Can't wait to read about you guys!
Shelley Sly said…
Thanks for sharing, Tara! Always interesting to learn more about you. Is it scary to think that your twins will be almost teens in 5 years??
Slamdunk said…
Yikes, I missed you tagging me the first time I looked at your post.

Well, thanks and I'll get a post up on Tuesday hopefully.

Have a good weekend.
dolorah said…
This was an entertaining read. Very different from most the others.

Love the viper. Did you use a matchbox car? It does look as if you know how to get your blog to work, this was excellent.

DL Hammons said…
I have an award for you over at my place today. :)
Lola Sharp said…
Hi my friend!

I'll be joining you and Anne at the beach house, K? (Lola likes surfer boys. I'm a surfer, well not 'girl'... surfer old hag.) I'll bring the limes and tequila. ;)

We have the Wii, but we don't have the Fit. Does it actually work? Real results? 'Cause I don't eat snacks like your list. I like cake and chips and chocolate and nachos and stuff. But I do like the cheese part of your list. (granola, ptew!) I have to battle my butt. I refuse to stop eating junk. And drinking margaritas. Let me know if it really works. (because Satan's treadmill is BORING)

The Viper is sah-weeet!

Your daughter will forever be in my prayers. Thanks for sharing.

Dawn Simon said…
I enjoyed reading your answers. Those houses are gorgeous. We lived in Georgia for a short time and the bottom pic reminds me of Georgia. It was very pretty there. I hear North Carolina is also beautiful. I hope to see it someday. :)
Wow...I don't know you-- but after that I get a pretty clear picture of a really great person. (=

Tara said…
Hi Jojo. Welcome :)

Dawn - It is gorgeous here; definitely a need to visit place.

Lola - The more the merrier. You and Anne can drown in tequila. I drink on very rare occasion only, and I only drink Killian's if I do. That's it, lol.

The Wii Fit is awesome. I love it! But, I will say it depends on how you work out. They have tons of fun activities, but you have to want to really push yourself to make the most of them. Hard to explain. If you want more detail - email me ;)My kids love it. Baby B informed me this weekend he is now working on a six-pack (boy is 8 for COL!) He switched his normal skateboard/snowball fight type exercises for all yoga ab work, lol.

Donna - No, it's the real deal. But, I do have the matchbox version of it. Stole it from my son. It's what Bad Girl Chloe races in first WiP ;)

SD - Slacker...or excuse...;-p I kid. I kid.

Shelley - It's flippin' terrifying!!