
It's over. Well, for me it is. I hit my 50k. I hit a little more since, but won't update the count again. It was interesting, and fun keeping up with my crit partners and fellow Compuserve forumites, but doubtful I will sign up next year.

Typically I knock out my SFD in 6-8 weeks, linear fashion. I now have about 60,000 words all in bits and pieces. I'm not sure how to go about bridging it together. I think that it will take far longer than I'd hoped. Then I'll still have to edit. But, I did it. That's what counts this time.

Here's a snip, full of NaNoStupids:


“Stay put. Do you hear me?” I grabbed two clips from the drawer, shoving one into my pocket. I hated not to use my revolver, but where Viktor was involved it wouldn’t be a good idea to be caught short on bullets. And the Glock had a silencer.

“Why should I?” Decker followed me toward the door, grabbing his jacket from the back of the sofa. “I promised I’d be with her every step of the way.”

“Because you should have stopped her.” After retrieving the gun from its box, I jammed the clip into place, hard, directly in front of his face. “At worst, you should have called me. Before you hopped a plane to Russia. Do you know how stupid that was – to use your own passport.” I let out a few choice phrases, in Russian. He'd also forced me to come in hurry and use a passport, not in my name, but with my face. And long blonde hair. There would be no time for much disguise.

“I know. But she said-”

“She said? This is great. Frick and Frack.” The silencer hissed as I spun it onto the barrel. “One of you is thinking about only one thing. The other thinking only with one thing.”

Decker whipped the jacket over his shoulder, stuffing his arms through the sleeves.

“You are not coming.” There was obviously no reason in this kid’s head. I unzipped the front pouch of my bag and pulled out the taser. “If I have to use this, and tie you to a chair, I will.”

“You wouldn’t dare…” His words trailed off after a good look to my raised brows and pursed lips. I would do more than dare, without hesitation. “I love her. I have to come.”

“I have eight years of FBI training in precisely this area. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to get her out alive.” It would take everything I had to get myself out of this one alive. If I did I might just kill her myself. “You can’t come because you love her. If you screw this up, she’s dead. Along with you, and probably Eva.”


Yeah I prefer to take my time when writing. I'll have lots of rewrites as well. But we did it!
Slamdunk said…
Congrats to you--that is a great accomplishment.
Zan Marie said…
Yeah, Tara! I'm not so accomplished, but I did get to the number I wanted to get to.
Stina said…
Oh, you got so much further than me. Fortunately I wasn't participating since I'd already started writing the novel in October. I had planned to finish it, but ended up going on vacation and doing revisions on my other novel. The goal is to finish it in December. :D

Like you, I prefer to take my time on the first draft. It's about quality not quantity.
Summer Frey said…
I'm telling everyone that I'm trying to experience NaNo the "intended" way--finishing on the 30th. Heh. In reality, my story took such a weird turn last night that I'm gonna have to perc on this one for a while before I even try to finish it, I think. So many weird things going on. And so much emotion that it's been really stressful to write.

But congrats to you! I'm sure you'll figure out the best way to piece it all together, and then I can read it *excited laugh with a tint of evil*. Yes.
TL said…
Alex - Yea! for you!

SD - Thanks. It's not looking so great right now, but once I polish it, hopefully I'll feel different.
TL said…
Zan Marie - I told you already, but it's worth repeating. The almost 20k you came up with were as good as 50k. Pure gold!
TL said…
Stina - Best of luck finishing in Dec. And, revisions on another are just as great. Good job!

Summer - a weird turn last night? As opposed to no other weirdness at all? LOL. Can't wait to get my hands on this one!!
Sarah Ahiers said…
congrats on finishing!
Last year when i finished, i had so much work to do on the draft it was a bit disheartening. That's why for this year of NaNo i told myself i was allowed to edit as i went as long as i got my word count in. I feel much better after this year
Anne Gallagher said…
Congrats! I LOVE this story. It's a continuation from the other one right? With all the Russians. This is the one we were going to get my Uncle Sally and your Russian grandfather together right?
Tara said…
Thanks, Anne. It is part of Book 2 in the series. Kasia is Polish/Russian, but she hunts Russian human traffickers for the FBI.

Sarah - I did edit some of the scenes a little bit. But the chunk, as opposed to linear, writing is what's so daunting. I have no idea how to sewit together now!
Jai Joshi said…
Fabulous, Tara! Well done!

The re-writes are always a pain but having the skeleton of a story done is a real achievement.

Old Kitty said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're a nano winner!! YAY!! Well done you!! And this snippet is amazing - I wouldn't want to mess with your mc!! Take care
TL said…
Thanks, Jai!

Kitty - I appreciate the kind words :)
Lola Sharp said…
CONGRATS, again, love. :)
TL said…
Thanks, again, Lola :)
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Congrats! And I don't think I could stitch together a novel. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
DL Hammons said…
Way to go girl!!! Rejoice in your accomplisment...and then get some sleep!! :)