Forward March

So how goes it, my fellow NaNo-ers? I've been buried in papers and pens and...okay, not really. I'm strictly a typer-gal. I've been rubbing a sore neck and heating a painful lower back. But, I'm ahead of schedule. Haven't added my count for today (Sunday) in since I'm not done, but I was at almost 12,000 words as of Sat. night. I should finish out today with over 3,000.

My fellow writers at Compuserve (link on sidebar - yes, I am that lazy) are keeping me on my toes. A few of them have hit 20k. Insane. We are having fun posting free-for-all unedited snips and egging each other on. Nothing like comraderie to keep the motivation levels high.

I didn't get a ton of commenting in last week, and probably won't this week either - or the month for that matter, but I'm betting there's a lot of others in the same boat.

Happy writing - whether you're doing NaNo or not.

Nanu-Nanu. Tara out.


Slamdunk said…
Nice work Tara--keep up the good work.
dolorah said…
Wow, you're really clipping along, for a girl that didn't have a beginning. :) Way awesome.

Hey those were some fabulous food tips too. Don't worry about blogging; just write.

Jai Joshi said…
Good to see you're doing well with Nano. Keep up the good work!

Old Kitty said…
Good luck with your nano-ing!! Keep going! Take care
Linda G. said…
*\o/* *\o/* <--Just a few cheerleaders to encourage you in your NaNo-ing. :)
Keep on writing! And one of my buddies hit 50000 Friday morning. Yeah, it's going to take me the whole month I'm afraid!
Anne Gallagher said…
Once Nano is over we definitely have to schedule some face time.
TL said…
50k already, Alex? That person is a machine. Or a cheater. Or has a ton of free time. LOL. I see you on my buddy list doing pretty well. Keep it up!

Ha. I totally forgot to enter my word count yesterday, so if get some good writing in today, my total will look amazing!
TL said…
I know, Anne - we keep saying that! You wouldn't want me this week anyway; kids brought home fever/achy/nauseous whatever-is-going-around-this-time from school. Bleh.
TL said…
Linda, you look adorable in that outfit. Nice pom-poms. Hehe.

Kitty - Thank you!

Jai - Thank you, too!
TL said…
Donna - Well, I didn't want to whine in the post - but I really have screwed myself in that regard. I'm not a chunk writer, and that's how things are coming out, and well, it's going to be very hard for this linear gal to put it together fluidly from the beginning. Grr.
TL said…
Thanks, Slammy. Haha. It drives me nuts when I don't know people's names (and I'm pretty sure you've never revealed yours), so you now have a nickname. Nameless or not, I appreciate your support :)
lotusgirl said…
I'm so impressed with all your writing. You go, girl. We must be in the same area since you and Anne are. That's cool.
Lola Sharp said…
Ha! I love Linda's cheerleaders! :)

I'm glad you're kicking some nano/word count ass!

I'm having to do a LOT of research as I go, which is slowing me down terribly. Usually my first drafts are fast (and the second and subsequent drafts/revisions go SLOW), but this topic has forced me to do LOTS of research to even write a rough draft. *sigh*

Did you finish your ending of R?

Love and cheers,
Talli Roland said…
Good luck with NaNo! Keep going, keep going!
Deniz Bevan said…
Hope you're having a great Week 2 Tara! Can't wait to see more of Kasia [g]

(word verification: Moria.
As in, Mines of. !!)
Tina Lynn said…
I have a few NaNo buddies that have already murdered me. Okay, so I'm not dead yet, just battered and bloody.
Tara said…
Thanks for stopping by everyone. My computer has been sick and I haven't been able to get to any blogs this week - even if I had the time! I think I fixed it now. Time will tell...
Susan Fields said…
Good luck with the NaNo-ing!
Stina said…
You're doing better than me. I thought I could write 2000 words while on vacation. I wrote 200. While buzzed on two glasses of wine. Definitely not my best writing. ;)