Time Passages

November is the March of Dimes prematurity awareness month. It is [ironically] the month my twins were born - 2 months premature. Their due date was Jan. 23, 2002 and they arrived November 24, 2001.

Male Caucasian babies do the absolute worst of all babies when it come to prematurity. It's referred to as Wimpy White Boy Syndrome. My Baby B was no exception.

(That's a preemie diaper drowning him!) But, we were lucky. The NICU (read: angels!) nurses had never seen a faster recovery than Baby B made. He went from not breathing, with underdeveloped lungs, to needing no more help in under 24 hours. That's my boy :)

Baby A came out kicking and screaming, and hasn't stopped since. The nurses nicknamed her Haley's Comet. I called her my Little Firecracker. Both still fit, well.

Hard to believe my little 3 pounders, who spent 3.5 weeks in the hospital eating through tubes in their throats, turned into one year old chubs eventually, but they did...

They also remained bald until they were two. Maybe that's why Baby A hates having hair below her shoulders now. And Baby B loves his mohawk.

It's even harder to believe they are nine years old today! Seriously. Time really does fly.

Happy birthday to the two best things that ever happened to me.

Isn't this the cutest present ever?

The below video cracked me up. I think I have had this exact conversation at least once a week for the past nine years. I've never mentioned tampons, but I'm a little snarkier about the identical question. Seriously. Identical is pretty self explanatory, no? One has a penis. The other does not.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!


Old Kitty said…
Awwww beautiful!! Your babies are just adorable!! Awww!!!

I'll watch the clip once I get home as I'm at work (at lunch!).

Have a great thanksgiving! Take care
DL Hammons said…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That is so precious!


Angelina Rain said…
Aw, your kids are so cute. I'm glad they are healthy. :-) And Happy Birthday to them both.
Anne Gallagher said…
Beautiful babies. (And NICU nurses are wonderful.)

Happy Birthday Twins, identical or not.

Happy Thanksgiving Tara. Have a great weekend.
TL said…
Thanks everyone :)
Summer Frey said…
Bwahaha! I like that video. :D
Happy bday to the Tara Twins, and happy T-Day to you all!
TL said…
Thanks Summer. Happy Turkey Day :)
Mary Aalgaard said…
I am also the mother of twins. I'm in a mothers of multiples group. I'm going to share this post with them. Oh, My, I laughed until tears rolled down my eyes from that video. I just thought of a snarky response to "Do twins run in your family?" "Yes, they run all the time. I'm constantly telling them to slow down and walk, especially poolside." So glad your babies have grown to be "big kids" now. They're beautiful and wonderful.
Lola Sharp said…
Awww...they were the cutest one year old chubs indeed!

Happy Birthday to the Tara-Twins!

And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Linda G. said…
Happy Birthday to your adorable twins!

LOVE that video. Laughed so hard I nearly choked.
Angie said…
Happy Birthday to your sweet kids! I had a premature baby myself, three years ago. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
Jai Joshi said…
Happy Birthday to your precious twins! Those pics are adorable.

Deniz Bevan said…
Happy birthday to the twins! And what an adorable puppy. I could just eat him [g]
TL said…
Mary, I thought of you as I wrote the post :) I used to belong to a MOM's group too, but haven't rejoined in the past few years.
TL said…
Thanks, Lola. Hope you and yours had a great day.

Glad you got a kick out of it, Linda. It sure cracked me up. I was actually never one who got offended by those questions, but the video just nailed the whole twin things so well!
TL said…
Angie - the whole NICU thing is amazing and scary at once, eh?

Thank you, Jai :)
TL said…
Deniz - Isn't he freaking adorable?! It's a good thing he is...trust me. Two days and he's wearing me out almost as much as chasing around 2 infants did!
dolorah said…
My granddaughter and her father have their birthdays on the 24th. I gave them their presents today.

They gave me one to, just by showing up to dinner.

I hope your twins birthday and your thanksgiving was a wonderful as mine was.

Have a great weekend.

Tessa Quin said…
Hahaha! "Which one do you like better?" "The one who is not screaming." That's so true ^.^

My twins (boys) were born 5 weeks prematurely. They spent two weeks at the hospital, although twin A could have gone home after a day. Boy B had to be confined in a box for whole three days before I could hold him. That was so difficult (and a huge guilt trip only a twin/triplet/etc-mom can know). They're three years old today, and like your twin A, mine is still kicking with life-force.
Tara said…
Very hard, Tessa! I couldn't hold Baby B for 2 days.
roh morgon said…
Very cute kids! Happy belated b-day to you all.

Love the video. I met my identical twin stepdaughters when they were 3-1/2 and helped raise them, so I have a little bit of an inside track on twins. Not near as much as if I birthed them, but I'm familiar with the whole "I'm older by 5 minutes" kinda thing.

Their 'twininess' was accentuated by the fact that their mother was also an identical twin.

Twinness concentrated!

Being the stepparent of twins was definitely interesting. They were really good a tag-teaming me when they were little.

And there's nothing like having a twin get in your face when her sister's in trouble. That was completely outside my previous realm of experience - usually siblings are trying to GET each other in trouble!