It's a Brave New Year

Well, I had something planned to blog about for my true "first" post of the year. But a sinus infection is setting in and my head is screaming. Of course, that never prompts me to get off the computer and rest my eyes, but it does remove all concentration from my brain.

So here's some random babbling to start the year.

I have to let you all in on one of my favorite places to visit. Linda G. at Visiting Reality is super awesome. She cracks me up, makes me think and I just flat out enjoy her sense of, well everything. Take a few minutes to visit her reality. You won't be disappointed!

I had a ringtone/crit contest a couple weeks back, and Roh Morgan won a full chapter crit. She actually sent two (after asking of course), but both combined had a word count of one small/med. one. Folks, she is a great storyteller. I really got hooked after that small amount. You know it's something good when days later you're still thinking about the characters and what might come of them!

Wow, I have 264 followers! Holy cow, I'm astonished by that. Thanks to each of you. I will be going through my newcomers tomorrow to make sure I have visited you and returned the friendship.

Maybe this next bit won't seem so random. It's Music Monday, so I have to do something with music, right? C'mon, it's my first "real" 2011 post. Can't. Leave. Incubus. Out.

Here's an interesting contradiction. Probably one of my favorite Incubus songs, but one of my least favorite live. It's obviously a hard one for him to nail. But, I love this version mixed with The Police.


Christine Danek said…
Happy New Year! I hope you get better soon.
You definitely need to join my music blogfest then! When your brain is functioning again, of course.
Stina said…
What a sucky way to start the New Year. Hope you feel better soon!
Tara said…
Thanks, guys. I'm so used to sinus issues at this point, it's just a part of life. Grr.
Old Kitty said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm sorry though that you're not well!! I hope you are feeling better now!!

Take care
Angela said…
I hope you feel better soon.
LTM said…
yay! Fun stuff. Congrats on the followers and yay again! Musical hotties... I haven't listened to Incubus in ages. Thanks for the reminder~ :o)
Summer Frey said…
Sorry about the sinus infection. Evan's still getting over his, and it's been 11 days, including two shots in the ass and some hardcore antibiotics.

Happy new year!
Jules said…
Two Words, Netty Pot! Absolutely works on sinuses. Happy New Year and lovely ramblings :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Angelina Rain said…
Happy New Year! Hope you feel better soon. I hate it when I read only a few chapters of a really great book and then have to wait for it to come out. What if it takes a year for it to come out.
roh morgon said…
Hope you feel better soon - it's a lousy way to start the New Year.

Thanks for the shout-out on my writing. It's nice to hear that the characters haunting me can go bother someone else for a while!

As for Incubus...what a great way to start the year. Thanks!

I have to confess - I wasn't into Incubus until my son (who is a huge fan) downloaded several albums onto my ipod. I found I really liked their music, and several of their songs are on my Watcher playlist (Love Hurts is in a major scene).

And then I saw them live. Wow. Nothing like being in an ampitheater w/ thousands of other Incubus fans singing EVERY WORD of EVERY SONG. Incredible.

Looking forward to a great New Year for all of us...
Colene Murphy said…
WEIRD! I seriously had the thought "huh, I should start listening to Incubus again" RIGHT before I went to sleep last night. It was a very random thought but I LOVE them and haven't listened to them in too long...weird.

Hope your head feels better!!
Jemi Fraser said…
Happy new year - hope 2011 brings you lots of joy ... and I hope you're feeling better soon :)
Danette said…
Sorry to hear you're under the weather!
M Pax said…
HOpe you're feeling all to rights soon. :) Happy 2011!
Melissa said…
So sorry to hear that you are under the weather. I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are the worst!

You picked a really great song! I love it.
Dempsey Sanders said…
Hope you get better, I suffer from sinus infections too, and they really ain't nice.
Like Incubus myself, enjoyed the read
Linda G. said…
Aw, thanks so much. You are too sweet -- I love sharing my reality with you. :)

Hope your sinuses are better soon! I know how miserable those suckers can make you feel when they're acting up.
Lola Sharp said…
Linda IS hilarious, I agree. :)

I hope you are feeling better, love.

Brandon is so beautiful.

Happy 2011, my friend.

Tara said…
You're welcome, Linda :)

Thanks, everyone, for all the well-wishes.
Tara said…
oops, hit poat before I was done...

It hasn't turned into a sinus infection as I'd thought, thankfully. But this ridiculous ever-changing weather is wreaking havoc on my head. I'm a human barometer, I swear.
Slamdunk said…
Happy 2011 Tara, and I hope you feel better--those SI's are nasty to deal with.
Jon Paul said…
Hope you get to feeling better!

Also, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you. I'm celebrating my blog's one year anniversary today, and you were a big part of why I kept with it.

Looking forward to a rockin' 2011. From the bottom of my heart, thanks! :D
Talei said…
Happy New Year! Hope you feel better soon too. ;)