3 Books and My Imagination

The age old question (sort of): If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would want to have?

I'd be thrilled with a pen and paper so I could write my own books in sweet solitary and keep myself entertained in new ways. Don't think I'd even need the pen and paper, really. Since that's not the question I'll keep it simple and go with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

I know, there are seven (and one on the way), but I can narrow it down--maybe. Let's see. Definitely Outlander (1) and A Breath of Snow and Ashes (6)--my favorites. But, for the third, it's a toss up between Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross. I really don't know.

After having read entire the series 4-5 times , I still love it like the first time. It's not an easy read (or short--800+ pages in each of the books), so it would use up time. The books have it all: romance, mystery, humor, sex, time travel, war, history, murder and serious mayhem. Not to mention characters that are unbelievably real. After all the times I've read it, I still find a few things I missed each time I go back through. And, there's enough left to the imagination that I can sit and ponder what/who/where/why/how for hours after I close the book.

Of course, it would probably be wiser for  me to take one of my medicinal and edible herb/flower books for obvious reasons, but...

What about you?


If I was on a dessert island I would take my Paul McKenna self help books and my Daniel O Donnell life story book. Oh and one more called "Ps I Love You"

Interesting post.
Linda G. said…
Something by Les Stroud (the guy on the "Survival Man" TV show). ;)

And I think the Outlander series should count as one big book, so that.

And Joanna Bourne's new "Adrian" book, when it comes out, because I can't wait to get my hot little hands on it. ;)
Definitely take some Preston & Child and Terry Brooks books, just not sure which ones.
Lt. Cccyxx said…
Not sure about the other two, but one would be "The Stand."
Erica Mitchell said…
Tough. I do like your idea of writing your own stories...think of the possibilities your brain would conjur up in that situation.

I would have to say..man this is tough.. I can only come up with one other than The Survival Guide for dummies, and that would be The Oddessey. I know it's kind of a strange one, but eh, I love that book :)
Talei said…
I had this question the other day actually, how funny. I'd take Alice in Wonderland, definitely a notebook of my own to fill in, and a survival book...you know the kind written by ex-commandos. ;-)
Lydia Kang said…
Can I cheat and bring a trilogy as one book? ;)
I'd bring the Lord of the Rings, Thorn Birds, and some Austen.
Zan Marie said…
Oh, yes, the Outlander series is one big book. Add a volume of the Fox Fire on survival in backwoods Georgia (assuming it would help in a desert island--LOL) and the entire Miles Vorkosigan series by Bujold. I mean, if Diana's are one book so are Bujold's. ; )
Elena Solodow said…
Any of the Harry Potter books. They're always fun to read.
Jamaica Golf said…
No doubt those 800+ page books would help pass the time.

For me, I'd want to have my Bible and anything from James Herriot, Gerald Durrell or Jeffrey Archer.
Carol Kilgore said…
I'd roll three books into one - the three Jason Bourne books by Robert Ludlum. And as Talei said, a survival book by ex-commandos - with photos. Last, Mirror Image by Sandra Brown. Fun question.
Colene Murphy said…
Huh, never heard of it but it sounds great! And time consuming so awesome choices for a desert Island. Maybe you can bend the rule into 3 books or 1 series? ;)
Old Kitty said…
No, no, I can't decide!! No!! LOL!!

Take care
Shallee said…
Ooh, that'd be tough. Honestly, I've never actually thought about it that much! I'd say Pride and Prejudice, Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, and a book of Tennyson's poetry. I guess I'm a little old-fashioned in the books I really love. :)
Anonymous said…
Now I've not heard of any of those books, so many I should choose them too so I can get better acquainted with them :O)
Anonymous said…
Now I've not heard of any of those books, so many I should choose them too so I can get better acquainted with them :O)
Angela said…
I'm all for fiction. I like being entertained.
Sierra Gardner said…
The Bible, Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy and The Idiot's Guide to Surviving on a Deserted Island.
Jai Joshi said…
I'd cheat. I'd take the Mahabharat (which is 18 volumes long), the complete works of Shakespeare, and maybe Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale, just to while away the small hours.

Jai Joshi said…
Oh yeah, and could I take paper to make my own books while I'm there? Or maybe I'd squish my wook into pulp and try to make my own paper while I'm there on the island. It'd give me something to do.

Rusty Carl said…
Hmmm... I second the Lord of the Rings thing. It's nowhere near my favorite, but it has so much depth that rereading it repeatedly is okay. Plus, I can learn elvish when I get bored.

And I think I can count it as one book.

Then I'd take a survival guide, sounds like I may need it.

Then, for my third book... I choose, um... Geez, this is hard.

Oh, I know. Cryptonomicon, because it makes me feel smarter when I read it. Plus, it's good.
Carla White said…
Almost as tough as what meal would you want to be stuck with if you were stranded on a deserted island. I think I'd bring my Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King and probably a Dr. Seuss book for some light reading - maybe Green Eggs and Ham.
LTM said…
ooo! I am not familiar with that series... I wonder if JRM is. That sounds like right up his alley, and he reads/has read everything.

My three? Sheesh. Tough one. I guess they'd need to be long since I'm stuck on a desert island. Ummm... Jane Eyre, I guess. The Blind Assassin, since I've never read it and JRM says it's awesome. And I guess a Kingsolver. Maybe Poisonwood Bible. :D

Fun game! <3
Alleged Author said…
I would say The Bible, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, and a survival guide. :P
Lola Sharp said…
Dude. Harsh much? Only THREE books?

My copy of the complete works of Shakespeare (my top shoe is sitting on it in my avatar...proof it's only one book), LOTRs trilogy in one book (because it's so complicated it can be reread a million times) and a BIG, detailed survivor book.

*wipes brow*
Deniz Bevan said…
Hmmm... That's tough. Right off the bat I'd say the Outlander series, The Lord of the Rings (which, you know, includes the Hobbit and the Twelve Books of Middle Earth and so on - it's all part of the same history!) and the Bible.
But that leaves out Shakespeare and the Anne of Green Gables series...
Can I take a trunk full?
Christopher said…
I'd go with Lonesome Dove, The Brothers Karamazov and an army field manual for survival tips.
M Pax said…
I'd need my Jane Austen. And probably Steppenwolfe by Hermann Hesse.
Faith said…
'How to Build a Boat' ;)

...and then the LOTR triology and, I don't know, maybe one of those enormous volumes of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Lots of fodder and stuff to think about in there!
KM Nalle said…
Something by Stephen King, The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter 4 (Goblet of Fire). Geez this is hard. I'm still not sure about those.
alexia said…
That's tough... maybe the HP series, or the Hobbit.
Regina said…
There are so many wonderful choices that it would be hard to narrow it down. I have not read the Outlander series but am open to adding it to my reading list. :)
Wendy Lu said…
Oh my!! What a difficult question. I would probably choose: Little Women by Louisa May Alcotte, Harry Potter #5 by J.K. Rowling and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. All those books have a little bit of everything in them. :)

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