
I've been thinking about changing the blog lately. Not a bunch. But, I think that's part of what's kept me away lately - the monotony. Albeit a small part. Summer is always crazy around here with all the stuff we try to squeeze in in such a short time. But, anyway, back to changes.

There are hundreds of writing blogs out there - terrific advice to be found (and hopefully put to practice). I think I'm going to post a little more random than all on-topic writing stuff. I always feel a little weird about offering writing advice. Sometimes because it's an overdone topic, others because it's not necessarily my place. I'm learning and growing along with [most] everyone else around these parts, yanno?

So, I guess around here you'll see personal mixed with writing mixed with music mixed with whatever my crazy mind decides it's going to spew. Oh, and I'd love to help fellow authors in anyway I can. Publishing has always been heavily reliant on author platform, but I think now that's more important than ever. If anyone out there has a book release they'd like me link on my sidebar, or even a contest/blogfest on their blog, just drop me an email (see profile), or comment about it in a post and leave your email. I'm also happy to host a guest blogger or do an interview. Just speak up - I'm here, even when it sometimes seems like I'm not. ;-)

A happy note - fixed the computer without having to format. On a whim, I tried one last ditch effort to delete the virus and it worked. I'm always proud of myself when I figure out tech stuff. ;-)

I sure hope all my fellow east coasters made it out of the hurricane unscathed. We had some heavy wind, one quick rain. Drizzle really. (Which is a shame since we are desperate for some water.) But, all in all, no real weather issues from Irene.

Always been a fan of David Bowie.


Anne Gallagher said…
I hear you on the change-up, just got back from blogcation myself. Wanted to tweak a few things and ended up having to change the whole durn thing.

Yeah, the hurricane wasn't what I expected, not that I expected anything but a little rain might have been nice.
Zan Marie said…
I know what you mean. That's why my blog has the following description:

"Welcome to the Shade and Zan Marie's view of the little and not so little wonders in life--writing, family, love, nature, pets, and music."

Though I'll admit it's been more writing than anything else lately. ; )
Linda G. said…
Unscathed, though it did shave a day off our Virginia Beach vacation. With no refund of the last day, since we high-tailed it before the mandatory evacuation. :(

Other than that, though, we're fine.

Re your blog: I love a good mix! :)
Old Kitty said…
I like blogs that evolve. I like eclectic blogs. Good luck with your blogging - so long as you are enjoying what you're blogging about is what matters most. Take care
Slamdunk said…
Glad you were able to fix your computer--that can get annoying quickly.
That's why I don't offer writer advice - so many others are better qualified. Just blog about what you enjoy! And right now I have a Worst Movies Ever blogfest coming and the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
Sarah Ahiers said…
i actually prefer blogs that delve a bit more into the personal, because, like you said, there are a lot of writing blogs out there
Tara said…
I agree, Anne, some rain would have been seriously nice! A tree did fall across my friend's car and totaled it. A little excitement, lol.

Zan Marie - You have a great blog. It's so pretty. :-)

Linda - What a bummer about the vacay!
Tara said…
Kitty - I tend toward eclectic, too. I love me some Charlie. ;-)

SD - Thanks. I was excited - I meant it had been almost a year off and on!

Alex - I may not always have time to comment - but I never miss your posts! Saw that Insecure...Group and was debating. I'll give you a link on my sidebar. :-)

Sarah - Me, too. That's why I always enjoy your blog.
Meredith said…
Monotony can definitely get to you--so glad you figured out a way to make the blog work for you! Though I always loved your writing advice. Have a great week!
Unknown said…
I like to change things up a bit too. Things do get monotonous. Whatever you write, will be wonderful.
Carol Kilgore said…
Good to see you back! And happy Irene left you unscathed.

I like change, too. A mix is good :)
M Pax said…
Glad you are unscathed from Irene.

I love that Bowie song. :) Summers are busy for me, too.

I try to write some posts for sci-fi heads.
Lisa Gail Green said…
You have to blog about what you're comfortable with. But for me, I felt the same about writing advice, then I realized I'm only passing on what helped me out in the hopes it might help someone else too. That made it more palatable. :D
Tara said…
Meredith - Aw. Thanks. It'll still be here, just not all the time.

Clarissa - Thank you!

Carol -Good to be back. :-)

Mary - I'm glad, too, though rain sure would have felt good on my veggie plants!

Lisa- Definitely true! And, I have learned from some great people/authors, for sure.
David P. King said…
Hi, Tara! Thanks for visiting my blog!

I gave you a Shout-Out today! :)
I made a similar change to my blog a few months ago and my pageviews have increased dramatically. I guess people are more interested in possible zombie uprisings than how to avoid double-verbing. Which is nice.
Mary Aalgaard said…
Keep your blog interesting to you, then others will enjoy it, too.
Lola Sharp said…
I love Bowie and that song. :)

Dude, I'm very impressed with your techie skills! No way could I do it. NO. WAY.

Love you,
Shelley Sly said…
Hey there! Yeah, I was feeling that exact same blah-ness about my own blog, so I started by changing the design and now I'm working on changing the content. Sticking solely to writing got a little bit monotonous for me, so I'm going to try to make it more interesting. I love that you incorporate music on your blog; I'm a huge music lover!
Cheryl said…
I love David Bowie! Oh, and hello, I'm a fellow campaigner here to say hello. We're in the same fantasy grouping. I so want to customise my blog and make it look interesting and I'm enjoying looking at all the others. Maybe I'll get some inspiration!
Dora Hiers said…
Hey Tara.

I can totally relate to how you feel. I love reading blogs that offer a mixture of topics, not just writing related tips.

Congrats on fixing your computer. Cause to celebrate!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Great to meet you.
How generous are you? i'm a fellow campaigner and very impressed. You are definitly going on my list of bloggers to write down and visit again!
Tracy Krauss said…
'Mixing it up' is always refreshing :) (fellow campaigner)
I enjoy variety also. Sometimes just a simple life’s event can inspire someone to write a story, or even a photograph/drawing. Blessings and luck!
Sarah Tokeley said…
Hi Tara, lovely to meet you. I follow a few blogs for advice but most of the writing blogs I follow are more like what you've described - a nice mix. I'm looking forward to reading your posts :-)
Fellow campaigner stopping by to say hi. I'm excited to get to know you better. Looks like we have a fe things in common. :)
Talli Roland said…
Sometimes it's good to have a bit of a blog break to get recharged. I'm a random kinda gal myself! I don't like to post too much about writing stuff, either.
Anonymous said…

I'm a fellow campaigner. I'm actually in the first romance group but plan to follow everyone in the second group as well.

Congrats on fixing your computer...want to come work on my desk top? Anyway, nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to connecting during the campaign :)
Carla White said…
I hear ya on the overload of writing advice, that's why I use my blog for expressing anything - create or not - and I think your plan to do so is a great way for you to use your creativity and to still demonstrate to others what great writing, and life, is all about. Good luck with the ch-ch-ch-changes. ;)
Sylvia said…
I tend to write about what it is I'm doing, and mostly that will be about the writing process. A little mix n mash of other interests thrown in is a great idea. :)
I don't think I considered my lack of blogging this summer to be a blogcation...I should call it that from now on! posting about writing (as in helpful blogs for other writers) are really hard for me, too. While I feel qualified to give writing advice to newbies in critique circles, there are so many better resources on the web, why would anyone want to listen to me?

I know, I have a lot to offer, but my blog tends to be a lot more random than that. Hopefully the next couple of months on the campaign will help me solidify what I want to write about and make it fun. Good to met you!
Raquel Byrnes said…
Oh, I like the idea of the music. And David Bowie too! Dropping by from the Campaign to say hello. :0
Edge of Your Seat Romance
D.J. Kirkby said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I saw DB in concert twice when I lived in Canada, he was amazing to watch.
Kate Swenson said…
Tara - thanks for the moment of Bowie, just what I needed. :)
Totsymae said…
Yes, just post whatever you feel like posting. I get bored easily, so that's how I do it. And like yourself, I'm hardly one to offer writing advice with my nonpublished self. Anyway, change it and enjoy!
Tara, I've felt guilty that my blog is just what you're trying to do--eclectic. Thanks, and thanks to all of your commenters, for reinforcing what I've been doing all along. I write, and sometimes that surfaces in my blog, but mostly I look for where the muse take me that day. That's why I call it An Eclectic Muse.

By the way, I'm just finding you because we're in the same Campaign group. Looking forward to following up with you.
Jocelyn Rish said…
Hey Tara, I'm in the suspense/thriller campaign group. I just started my blog a few months ago, and I've also really been struggling with what to blog about. I don't feel I have enough 'cred' to blog about writing, but I'm not sure how many people want to read posts about my dogs (even though they're adorable!). I'm still trying to find my way. Good luck to you!
Crystal Collier said…
I know what you mean about offering "writing advice". I find it hard to choke out my limited wisdom for all these WONDERFUL writing friends online when they are far more knowledgeable than me. Good to meet you! I'm another campaigner, and bring offerings of virtual cheese. =)
Tess Grant said…
Hey fellow suspense/thriller campaigner! Wanted to stop in and give you a shout.

I'm happy to hear you're going with a mixed blog; I am too. Looking forward it.
Tara said…
Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by!

The kids have shared their cold and my internet has been out all day. But, I plan to be back to blogging and commenting on Monday.

I love meeting all the Campaigners. I plan to make my rounds over the next couple weeks to meet some more. :-)
Christy Farmer said…
Hello Tara,
I see where you are coming from. What I recommend for bloggers is when blogs are made fresh and exciting to the bloggers, so it will be for their readers;) Pleasure to meet you;)
Ruth Schiffmann said…
Hi Tara, Fellow campaigner here stopping by to say hello. Looking forward to getting to know you. Love the look of your blog.
Holly Vance said…
Welcome back to the blog world fellow campaigner.
Hello from a fellow campaigner in the thriller/suspense group. Glad you got your computer fixed. I just went through that nightmare myself, and like you I got it fixed on my own. Patted myself on the back for days.