Crash Course

With my latest novella I decided to try something very purposefully that I'd never done before. I took the basic (very, very basic, and fairly common/popular right now) concepts from two different books (which won't be named), twisted them around and made them my own.* It was a spur of the moment decision, partially just because I wanted to see what I could do with it, how I could make it mine. I wasn't sure if I'd quit, toss it once finished, or love it. In the end, I felt like not only did I fix the thing that bothered me most about one of the books (along with accomplishing my other goals), but also turned out a book I am pretty proud of. It may have started with those two books vaguely in mind, but it's solely my own as written.

Usually my writing comes from a dream - I'd say 90% of it. And as a total linear panster, I've never before sat and written anything intentionally, or with a specific purpose. It was a fun little side project that may turn out to be my first venture into self publishing.

Anyone out there done anything similar? Or do you usually have an idea of what you want your story to be before you write it?

*Let me assure everyone - there is nothing "stolen" about these ideas; they are concepts used over and over and over in books. Ie., one idea happens to be (sort of) the non-romance that still has major character chemistry concept, written into an erotica.


There's only so many basic storylines, so I doubt you've stolen anything!
I am an avid planner and outliner. If I didn't know where I was going, my manuscript would wander out into the desert and never return...
Deniz Bevan said…
I love dream story ideas - that's how my last one, Fred and Lyne's story, started. Finished typing it up last night! And guess what? It's novella length - 32,000 words.
Very excited for your story [bg]
Deniz Bevan said…
Any thoughts on cover art yet?
Old Kitty said…
Love the premise of your inspiration for your books!! And why not?!?! Good for you!!

Take care
Zan Marie said…
My Cherry Hill stories all started from a dream, but my SF story is based (very loosely) on the life of Blanche of Castile (1188-1252 AD) and was a queen of France. How's that for a smash up? ; )
S.P. Bowers said…
My books always start with a character rather than a plot or concept. When I've tried writing a concept/plot it never works.
Tara said…
Alex, I love how different writers can be. I tried to outline a sequel for my romantic suspense and got so, so stuck I'm not sure I'll ever be able to make it work!

I have a couple thoughts on cover art, Deniz, but I lost my photoshop when my other computer died :( And, woo! on 32k!

Thanks, OK!

Tara said…
Zan Marie, wow the SF surprises me - you certainly made that premise your own, lol!

Spesh, I'm a very character-driven writer so most of my dreams spark the characters and the story comes from them. [g]
Humberto Dib said…
Hi, Tara, I just stopped by to say hello!
Cheers from Argentina.
Unknown said…
That's an interesting exercise--what are you going to do with your finished product? :)
Tara said…
The full is out on submission right now, Lara. :)