The Disapearing Blog Roll

So as happens every time I leave blogger alone to tend himself for a while, once again he's gone and changed things around in my absence. Granted, I added a different email account as my admin for the blog, but my blog roll is gone and I'm having to re-follow everyone. So if you know I was already following you and see me pop up as a newbie, I'm probably somehow just following you twice now. If anyone out there happens to know how to get my blog roll back, I'd really appreciate the help. At least I figured out how to re-link my profile to my blog.

I'm super computer savvy at certain things, and a total fail with other tech stuff. It's always a toss up. HTML is definitely on the fail side. Formatting has been a toss up.

Formatting for Amazon/Kindle was pretty easy--in fact I was rather pleasantly surprised at how quickly I figured it out and got my book uploaded. Nook/BN on the other hand, aye yi yi. Everything looked fantastic, until I previewed. Somehow, no matter what I do, it's recognizing my title page as the first chapter. In other words, my novella will go to Kindle on Monday, but Nook may take a while longer.I feel bad because I've had a number of people ask me when it will be available for Nook. The honest answer is: I don't know. Hopefully soon!

It's been really nice getting back in touch with those I haven't kept up with on Facebook and/or Twitter. I sure hope to be around more frequently again. :)


Zan Marie said…
Tara, Throw me back on that roll again.

I' hear you about B&N. My devotionals are up on Amazon, but... And I didn't ever do it myself. ;-)

Good luck!
Sorry you lost the blogroll. Probably just have to go back and add all those blogs again.
Slamdunk said…
Sorry to hear that blogger is messing with you. I have not tried messing with a Nook--we have plenty of Kindles around that have served us well.

I hope you have a good weekend Tara.
Unknown said…
Sorry you lost your blogroll--I wish I could help, but I just barely putter along as it is.

Glad to see you back! Looking forward to your big release! :)
TL said…
Zan Marie, you are back on the roll.

Alex, I'm just adding as I go. Bummed about not having all of my oldies, but guess it's a chance to find some new, also. :)

SD, I have a Kindle, too. I did figure out Nook formatting finally, but Kobo is proving to be a royal pain. I'm sure it's user-error. I know it is, in fact. I'll get there eventually.

Lara, thank you. Just thank you. For everything. {{{hugs}}}
Kittie Howard said…
Thanks for the follow. I'm happy to follow you back! Google's format change wrecked havoc for me as well. . . still haven't sorted all out.
That's a pain I'm familiar with. Blogspot sure has its glitches. sorry this happened.