A Visiting We Will Go...

Well, I had no intention of posting and disappearing again but a nasty little bug caught up with me. While the virus lasted less than twenty-four hours, I can't seem to shake the overall cruddy feeling it left in its wake. Rather bad timing when you need to promote a book you've published but only want to veg on the couch.

I've reached a sort of compromise...

Today I am over at the blog of the lovely and talented Deniz for an interview. (Isn't that an awesomely exotic name?) Deniz is probably one of the genuinely sweetest people I've met on the internet, or anywhere. I owe her a lot of thanks for where I currently stand in my writing career--she's been there pretty much from the beginning. At least from the time I became serious about writing something that would eventually be published.

She's also giving away an ebook copy of my book! Check out the post to enter. :)

I hope to be caught back up and posting on a regular basis by next week! Take care everyone, and wash those hands at every opportunity. ;-)


Deniz Bevan said…
Happy to be part of your release-time fun, Tara! The post is up :-)
Zan Marie said…
I'll see you over there at Deniz's!
Hope you're feeling better! Caught you over at Deniz's blog earlier.
Liz Blocker said…
Yuck, no fun at all. I hope you feel better soon!!
Jemi Fraser said…
Deniz completely rocks! Hope you feel better soon! :)
Mark Koopmans said…
Aloha Tara,

Thanks for the follow and right back at you :)

Congrats also on the release of your book, and wishing you much success now and in the future :)
Julie Musil said…
I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. I noticed in your bio that you have twins. Me too! 14 year old boys :)
TL said…
Thanks everyone for stopping by here and Deniz's. The support is always appreciated.

Julie, my kiddos are 12 & boy/girl. It's been a fun ride, this twin thing. :)
Patsy said…
Hope you feel better soon.
Unknown said…
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I second your warm thoughts regarding Deniz, she is all of those things and more.
Shell Flower said…
Good luck with your novel and I hope you feel better. The colds and flu have been nasty this year.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Congrats on you new novel!

Deniz is the sweetest!

ALL the best!
TL said…
Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. :)
Elsie Amata said…
I hope you're feeling better soon. Those bugs can be just so draining!
Ella said…
Congrats this is so exciting! I haven't been feeling so great either~ I hope you are better and I will stop by-
Melissa said…
Agree. Deniz is nice.

Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
Sherry Ellis said…
Hope you're feeling better soon!
That nasty bug is zapping everyone it can. Sorry it's your turn.

Thanks for finding, commenting and following my blog, Tara. I'm glad to reciprocate.

Much success to you with Hands-On. Congratulations! It looks great, steamy too.

Gina Gao said…
Hope you'll feel better soon!

Unknown said…
Congrats on your release. Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
Congratulations on your new release. Hope your spell under the weather ends soon.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
Carol Kilgore said…
Glad you're better. Husband has the crud here. Venturing over....
Hope you're feeling better, and more up to promotional stuff! Have a great weekend :)
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your virus and hope you get back to normal soon. Yay for the interview and a giveaway. Freebies are the best!
Amy Jarecki said…
Nasty virus! I hope you got rid of it for good, and good luck with your release!!!!
May the virus leave and high sales come your way. Thanks for dropping by and chatting for awhile.

Thanks for the follow. Hope you like my photography. I occasionally talk about writing, too. Look forward to keeping up with you.

-- Mac
Crystal Collier said…
Oh! I should pop over there and check it out. High five on the release!
Denise Covey said…
Tara, sorry you haven't been well. I'm sure your book will reward you with sales, but it may take a while. Yes, isn't Deniz a sweetheart? I must pop over and say hello.

Denise (not near as exotic!)
Deniz Bevan said…
Thanks for the kind comments you guys!! :-)