
What now? That's the age old question isn't it?

I'm possibly the most indecisive person in the universe. No really. Like can't even decide what to eat at restaurants I've been to likely hundreds of times in my life. I still look over the menu and have to ask the servers to come back--at least twice--before settling into an order. Then I typically go with one of the only two or three things I ever eat at that particular restaurant.

You all can imagine what that means for deciding which of my other 15 WIPs to work on--not to mention publish!--next.

So to kill time (okay not really, because I actually can't wait to do this), I'm planning a blog fest. I haven't ironed out the details but the gist will be asking folks to sign up and blog a nice positive post. About ... their writing. That's right. Something good. A pat on your own back because as writers we all deserve that, and should be doing it more often.

I have to figure out the how in the heck to add the linky, and a good time/date to do this. I'll post the details as soon as I get it all set. And I so hope everyone will sign up and join the self-positivity. :)


stu said…
Fifteen? That's quite a lot. I assume some of them are probably shorter than others?
Maybe just draw one from a hat?
If you need help with the Linky List sign up, let me know - I can set one up for you.
Zan Marie said…
Oooh! That blog fest is in my wheelhouse. I can be all positive for everyone else. Myself... that's a different matter. Thanks for an idea to make me be positive for myself.
Liz Blocker said…
I can't believe you have 15 WIPs. That's....amazing. What a good problem to have!

I love the idea for your fest, and will definitely keep my eye out for the linky!
Kyra Lennon said…
Lol, I am just the same! With restaurants, and with writing!
Deniz Bevan said…
Ooh, blogfest! I haven't done one in a while so I think it's about time. Get me in shape before A-Z comes!
Unknown said…
Wow. You sure have a lot going on. What I usually do is take all my work out and see which one will inspire me right now. That is what helps me make my choice.
TL said…
A couple are novellas, Stu, but all are in various stages of drafting, only 4 are full drafts.

Alex, sometimes I think a hat is the way to go--but I think I figured it out. :)

Liz, I'm not so sure about it being a good problem, haha.

It's always nice not to be alone, Kyra. ;)

Lilith, I actually tried that and nothing wanted to stick! It's crazy. I talked it through with some writer friends and think I've got a plan finally. Phew!
Slamdunk said…
Fifteen impresses me as well. I think you deserve serious R and R.
S.P. Bowers said…
I always eat the same thing over and over at a restaurant. I figure if I like it then why can't I have it just because I've had it before.
Mary Aalgaard said…
Good idea. Blogfests build community.
Deniz Bevan said…
Too funny, Sara. The year we lived in Turkey I ate the same exact thing for lunch at work every day. If they had it here I'd probably still be doing that...
Ava Quinn said…
I say pick the one that's mostly finished! lol!

And what a nice sounding blogfest! :)
TL said…
Slam, hehe. Thanks. :)

Creatures of habit and all, eh Sara?

Thanks Mary, I sure hope you'll join in!

Ava, ha! Unknowingly, I did! I hope you'll jump in the blogfest too. :)
Melissa said…
Good idea! Not sure if I can fit it in, but I'll try. ;)
Unknown said…
Choosing a WIP is so hard! (But then writing it and revising is are hard too! lol)

Thanks for pointing out the non-working links for Ashelyn's books. They WERE working and are the originals she sent me. I just checked her email and none of the links on it are working now either. I guess I'll have to hunt up new ones...
Unknown said…
I just checked Amazon and B&N and they have no books by Ashelyn Drake listed. They were there, now they're gone. So this is some mix up between her and her vendors.
Count me in on the blog fest--sounds like fun! And you sound like my husband at restaurants, he does the same thing!:)
Carol Kilgore said…
Sounds like fun! I hope I can participate. I have a couple of guests booked for March and I'm on a break in April.
TL said…
Melissa & Carol, I hope you can fit it in, too!

Lexa, how odd. A shame too--they sound good.

Yay Meredith! Glad you'll join. :)

Unknown said…
Update, Tara! Ashelyn took her four books and bundled them into one book called "Campus Crush." The change has been made on my blog and new links to Amazon and Smashwords are up - and WORKING! :)
TL said…
Thanks for letting me know, Lexa! :)
I definitely know what you mean about having far too many WIPs to work on - I don't even want to know how many plots-in-progress I have. O_o

But I definitely like the blogfest idea. I think anything that gets us thinking positive about our own work can only be good. ^_^
Frankie Miller said…
When I'm feeling indecisive it usually means that I'm heading towards feeling depressed. This to me means some exercise, fresh air, plenty of sleep, good food and laughter. Faith and being with friends is also good.
Best wishes with your blog fest.
Tara Tyler said…
i use linky tools, couldn't be easier!
good luck with the blogfest planning! i'll look for it!