Pitch Your Kissing

Finally, a Twitter pitch just for romance writers. It's pretty exciting stuff. Put together by the founders of All The Kissing, this one is dedicated to any subgenre of romance--and even includes novellas--with a fantastic list of agents and editors. This is really rare, as romance can sometimes get overlooked in the free-for-all pitches that get so busy and cluttered.

It's all happening tomorrow on Valentine's Day, which also happens to be <cough> Hump Day <cough> this year. Pretty sure this means extra luck to any participants. ;-)

Unfortunately, I won't be participating since none of my current WIPs are what I'd consider done enough to pitch. I have 3 that are thiiiis close, but just not there. Bummer! But, here's to hoping this becomes an oft recurring event.

Also, here are a few friends with February releases:

Victoria Grant

Victoria Sue

So, is anyone out there planning on pitching for this one? Or any other upcoming Twitter pitches?


Sorry you don't have anything to pitch.
Lidy said…
Have nothing to pitch either. Working on 4 novellas as part of a collection right now. But I'll definitely be showing support quoting my favorite tweets.
Jemi Fraser said…
I'm not ready to pitch either - I've got 2 or 3 that are close, but I'm not happy enough with them yet! Maybe next time :)
Deniz Bevan said…
Wish all of you were ready to pitch!
TL said…
Me too, Lidy.

Jemi, sounds like you're on the same page as I.

Deniz, wishing you all the best--I'll be cheering you from the sidelines. :-)
Patsy said…
I don't have anything ready, either. I'd better get a move on and hope this is repeated next year.