Summer Yay

As you've probably noticed, I have been absent of late. The month or so leading up to summer all the way through the beginning of back-to-school is a super busy time for me. A good busy. Soaking up family time and getting to go on little camping trips and other vacations.

All this means I won't be around so much until Septemberish. I'll pop in from time to time, though. And if you are interested in scooping up my books, here's a hint: check out next week's blog post for a great deal on all of them. ;-)

Meanwhile, here's another great deal.

Carole Kilgore's follow-up to her fabulous Jalepeno Cupcake Wench, Bluebonnet Ballerina, is up for pre-order. You should grab it--both, actually.

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer--but don't forget your sunscreen! Well, except for those of you on the flip side. Then I wish you a fabulous winter.

And an extra Happy 4th to my fellow US'ers. May it be sparkly and safe.


Natalie Aguirre said…
Glad you're busy with family things this summer, Tara. Me too. I will take some blogging time off too. Enjoy your family time.
Take the time to enjoy your family!
Carol Kilgore said…
Thanks for the shoutout, Tara. Have a great summer!
Have a wonderful summer. And keep it as long as you like. I am revelling in cooler temperatures.
And lusting after Carol's latest series.
Enjoy yourself this summer! You deserve it. I'm just enjoying having a break from grading papers and answering e-mails from students.
Crystal Collier said…
Yay for Carol! Summer sounds like it will be a blast, and I hope there's plenty of cheese along the way. Enjoy yourself and September will be here before we know it!
Deniz Bevan said…
Hope you have a great summer!