Summer Yay
As you've probably noticed, I have been absent of late. The month or so leading up to summer all the way through the beginning of back-to-school is a super busy time for me. A good busy. Soaking up family time and getting to go on little camping trips and other vacations.
All this means I won't be around so much until Septemberish. I'll pop in from time to time, though. And if you are interested in scooping up my books, here's a hint: check out next week's blog post for a great deal on all of them. ;-)
Meanwhile, here's another great deal.
Carole Kilgore's follow-up to her fabulous Jalepeno Cupcake Wench, Bluebonnet Ballerina, is up for pre-order. You should grab it--both, actually.

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer--but don't forget your sunscreen! Well, except for those of you on the flip side. Then I wish you a fabulous winter.
And an extra Happy 4th to my fellow US'ers. May it be sparkly and safe.
All this means I won't be around so much until Septemberish. I'll pop in from time to time, though. And if you are interested in scooping up my books, here's a hint: check out next week's blog post for a great deal on all of them. ;-)
Meanwhile, here's another great deal.
Carole Kilgore's follow-up to her fabulous Jalepeno Cupcake Wench, Bluebonnet Ballerina, is up for pre-order. You should grab it--both, actually.

I hope everyone has a fantastic summer--but don't forget your sunscreen! Well, except for those of you on the flip side. Then I wish you a fabulous winter.
And an extra Happy 4th to my fellow US'ers. May it be sparkly and safe.
And lusting after Carol's latest series.